First, please check whether the problem with the audio is only on the language course platform or is also on other websites.
If the problem is general, make sure the volume is turned on and high enough. You can check your audio settings from the "Start" menu of your computer (Start menu -> Settings -> System -> Sound). You can also search for the word sound directly from the "Start" menu.
If the problem only occurs on Altissia’s platform, it is likely you have not enabled sound on the browser you are using to access the language course or assessment.
We suggest you consult the Google Chrome help centre at the following address:
It will give you all the information you need for enabling the audio on our site.
Alternatively, you can manage your sound permissions by clicking on the small padlock at the top left of the browser address bar (to the left of https://). This takes you directly to the settings so you can enable the various options.
Finally, in general, we recommend you always work in a quiet environment and preferably with headphones if you have them.